There has been a recent uproar about the safety and efficacy of birth control methods, with current influencer trends displaying a rather exaggerated stance opposing hormonal birth control. While some of these subjects hold some truth, addressing those concerns that bring unwarranted panic is important. It is crucial that women are educated and aware of their available options in methods of birth control. Through this blog, we hope to deliver accurate and unbiased information about all the birth control options available and explore their pros, cons, and differences.
Birth control can be a very sensitive topic in a lot of communities, but it is important to talk about it. Birth control pills and several other methods of birth control are essential for a plethora of reasons:
Many campaigns have advocated the importance of family planning. Birth control plays a vital role in this as it can give families the autonomy to decide when they want to have children and how many they wish to have.
Barrier forms of birth control, such as condoms, help significantly reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is important to note that these methods are not 100% effective for protection against them, and STIs can still be transmitted.
Abortions carry significant risks along with them, especially as the pregnancy progresses. It is important to note that birth control can greatly benefit women in areas where safe abortions are banned, decreasing the maternal and infant mortality rate.
Now that we know why it is important to buy birth control drugs and devices if you are sexually active, let us learn about all the available options and how they affect our bodies.
These birth control methods involve artificially changing the levels of hormones present in the body to prevent ovulation or, if the egg is fertilized, to prevent its implantation into the uterus. Some available methods of hormonal birth control pills are:
Contraceptive Pills:
These pills are eaten 21 out of 28 days of the normal menstrual cycle to prevent implantation of the egg. The 7 days that you do not take the pill, the uterine lining sheds (resulting in your period). You can buy these pills from Generic Birth Control Brands such as Yasmin, Natazia, etc.
Emergency Contraceptive Pills:
These pills should be used within 72 hours of unprotected sex (preferably on the same day). This prevents ovulation and thus prevents a pregnancy.
Hormonal IUDs:
These are T-shaped devices placed within your uterus and release a steady amount of hormones that prevent the fertilization of the egg.
Six sticks of hormonal implants are put into the dermis layer (subcutaneous or just under the skin) of your arm. It then releases a steady amount of hormones that prevent fertilization.
Hormonal Injections:
These injections are administered by your doctor once a few months and prevent ovulation and fertilization.
Barrier Methods:
Barrier methods are physical contraceptive methods that include male and female condoms, caps, and other forms of birth control that physically prevent the sperm from entering the uterus.
Copper IUD:
This T-shaped device is inserted into the uterus and performs spermicidal action by making the environment of the uterus inhabitable for the sperm, preventing fertilization of the egg.
Vaginal Spermicide Gels:
These gels that immobilize the sperm are applied in the vagina and on the cervical opening and used along with barrier methods to prevent the sperm from entering the cervix and reaching the site of fertilization.
Coitus Interruptus:
The pull-out method (where the penis is removed from the vagina right before ejaculation) is not very effective and should not be used as a reliable form of birth control.
Fertility Awareness-based Methods:
Natural family planning refers to practicing abstinence during the most fertile period of the menstrual cycle. It is yet another technique that was previously used, but now it is safer to use other methods of contraception.
Vasectomy or Tubectomy:
Tube ligations are a medical procedure that ties off the fallopian tube in females and the vas deferens in males because of which the egg and sperm are not released in the area of fertilization. This is a permanent and mostly irreversible form of contraception.
Effectiveness: Hormonal birth control methods are known to be more effective, having an average efficiency rate of 95-99%, while non-hormonal methods realistically have only up to an 85% efficiency rate. However, tube ligations, a non-hormonal birth control method, are known to have the highest efficiency rate of over 99%.
Side Effects: Hormonal birth control methods are known to have more side effects, such as weight gain, mood swings, and other side effects that may disrupt quality of life.
Prevention of STI: Condoms are the only way you can prevent STIs using a contraceptive.
There are many things you need to consider before choosing the correct birth control method for you. While some birth control methods, such as contraceptive pills and IUDs, are the most widely used, here are some factors that will decide which is best for you.
If you have multiple sexual partners or someone who may have an STI, condoms are the best contraceptive method you can use along with other forms such as an IUD or birth control pills.
If you are planning to have children or more children in the future, it is best that you stick with reversible forms of birth control such as pills or barriers. If you want to have a 5-7-year gap between your children, IUDs are the best option for you. If you wish not to have any children, Tube ligations (tubectomy or vasectomy) are the best course of action.
If you have regular sexual intercourse, it is better to have IUDs or implants in place. If you do not have sexual intercourse that often, you can use emergency pills after unprotected intercourse or barrier methods to have the least side effects with maximum safety.
If you do not respond well to hormonal birth control (too many painful side effects or allergies), it is best to turn to IUDs for the long-term and barrier and spermicidal methods for short-term contraception.
There are many concerns, debates, and dilemmas regarding birth control. With some advancements in male birth control pills as well, there have been several debates on whether the current system of birth control is too harsh for women. There is also a severe shortage of studies about the female body. These impending issues need to be addressed, and amends must be implemented. It is important to make women feel safe with the idea of using birth control. Hopefully, with the proper technological advancements and awareness, we will get there someday.