HCG has been used as a medicine to boost female fertility for years. It has become a very reliable medicine after providing people with continuous positive results for a very long time. HCG can do miracles for women by making their dream of experiencing motherhood come true.
In this blog, we will cover all the topics regarding HCG, such as what it is, how it works, how it is used, how to buy HCG drugs online, etc. But before that, we need to understand what fertility is.
Fertility is the natural ability of a woman to give birth to a child through regular sexual activity. People are usually able to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. Natural reproduction requires a healthy sperm to travel and penetrate a healthy egg in a woman's body; this egg is then transferred into the woman's uterus, where it later develops into a child.
Fertility means the ability to produce offspring naturally. Biologically, females become fertile after puberty (between ages 12 and 13 in the US), when the ovaries start to function. At this point, women start their menstruation cycle.
Ovulation (the process of releasing mature eggs) occurs between the first 14 days of a 28-day menstruation cycle. Women are most fertile during this time. Fertilization occurs if the sperm is present in the fallopian tubes and enters the egg. The embryo gets implanted in the womb after this process is completed.
Females continue to release eggs through the duration of their reproductive years. Although the fertility of women starts to diminish after the age of 30, only 5% of women experience infertility in their 20s. But it can reach up to 25% once they cross 30. Infertility is described as not being able to get pregnant after a year of unprotected sex.
Note: Menopause is the discontinuation of a woman's menstrual cycle. It usually occurs when women are nearly 50.
HCG is a hormone created by the cells that form in the placenta during pregnancy. These cells nourish the egg after it has been fertilized and placed in the uterus. HCG plays a very important role in supporting and sustaining the early stages of pregnancy.
HCG is responsible for :
Thickening the uterine lining to help in the development of an embryo
Supporting the development of the placenta
Facilitating the production of other necessary hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, etc., which are essential for sustaining the pregnancy and developing the fetus
Signaling the body to stop menstruation
Human chorionic gonadotropin injections have been used to boost fertility in females for years now. Multiple brands are available on the market that you can buy and use. Injecting HCG can be a very successful part of a fertility treatment program. Research indicates that women receiving fertility treatments such as HCG raise the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. One of the oldest and most used brands is Hucog 5000 HP injection.
Hucog 5000 is a synthetic HCG. It provides female fertility with a soft push in the correct direction. This little miracle worker can change people's lives. It provides the benefits mentioned below.
Boosts Ovulation: Some women need extra help releasing an egg. It helps in the maturation of eggs. It triggers the ovaries to release mature eggs.
Increase fertility: One key factor in fertilization is the availability of mature eggs in a female's body. As you know, HCG helps boost ovulation, which leads to the release of more mature eggs. It significantly improves the possibilities of fertilization and pregnancy.
Reduces cycle regulations: It can also help regulate menstruation cycles by helping release eggs. It also makes it easier to predict the time when ovulation may occur.
IVF support: HCG is the most trusted companion of IVF (in vitro fertilization). It helps sustain the initial phases of pregnancy. It is given to maintain the corpus luteum, a structure in the ovary responsible for producing progesterone. Progesterone helps prepare the endometrium, or the uterine lining, for the implantation of the fertilized embryo. It also supports the initial steps of pregnancy. It is similar to warmly welcoming an embryo and creating the perfect habitat for it to flourish.
HCG injections are very easy and can be administered at home. HCG is usually kept in a vial in powder form. Along with it is another bottle of liquid, saline water. People who use the whole bottle in one go mix the HCG with the saline water and inject it into their bodies. People finish a vial mostly after multiple shots of intake. Bacteriostatic water is used in place of saline water in these cases. Below is the process of mixing an HCG 5000 IU vial.
Pull the inner seal of the HCG vial out
Open the cap of the bacteriostatic water bottle
Insert a syringe with the needle of a mixing kit into the bottle of water
Insert the needle into the vial of HCG and inject the water into the HCG powder slowly (note: do not shake)
Spin the bottle gently and slowly until the solution is clear
Dispose of any water left in the water vial
Keep the mixture refrigerated (note: do not freeze it)
The dosage and frequency would be prescribed by your healthcare provider.
This mixture is good to be used for up to 45 days, but make sure to keep the mixture refrigerated.
If you are worried about the availability of HCG and want to buy it, you are in the right place. Our website has HCG available in multiple IU vials. One of our best-selling HCGs is the Hucog 5000 HP injection. You can buy Hucog 5000 Iu Injection with us at a reasonable price.
HCG is a very reliable and trustworthy medication for boosting fertility in females. It is easy to use and self-injectable. Although it can be used at home with ease, consult with a certified physician about the doses and frequency to get the best results and stay safe.